Creation, correction, enhancement

Amazon uses a largely open source listing system meaning it’s arcane, prone to frequent changes, and downright difficult to navigate, given that it’s a largely Open Source system. Our Listings team lives in this often alien world: We’re attuned to all the changes, and we’ve developed tactics and tricks for keeping catalogs in good order. Our PDP team expertly does it all: initial FlatFile creation, the inevitable corrections required on a daily basis, and uploading enhancements, such as design work and SEO.

Cases Filed with Amazon: 300 / Month
Eventual Success Rate with Cases: 98%
Listings Created with FlatFiles: 13,500 UPCs / Month (not including UPC match)
ASINs Managed: > 1 Million


FlatFiles are among the most arcane aspects of Amazon. They require a dedicated team that knows how to figure out the nuances, and how best to enter backend data.

Our team is expert at pulling data from your catalog to populate listings. But we’ve developed proprietary software that draws on AI the latest version of ChatGPT to assist in the listings creation process, aiding SEO from the start. PDP expertise extends to every detail: every listing we create, for example, has a PhD-level analyst determine the best category for the product: sometimes the obvious choice isn’t the best choice for AI search volume and indexing.


Our Listings team works in close coordination with our Design, SEO, Analytics, and CRO teams to create listings that appeal not only to shoppers but also to Amazon’s AI and to make sure they stay that way.


Our Listings software accesses the API (Application Pro- gramming Interface), receiving hundreds of thousands of PDP change notifications daily, so we know exactly what changes have occurred on which listings. We filter these results to prioritize changes according to urgency.

These daily corrections and changes include:

  • Suppressed listings
  • Stranded listings
  • Listing reversions
  • Singular or standalone listings
  • Duplicate detail pages
  • Amazon policy violations
  • Listing mismatches
  • Incorrect listing information
  • Organization, such as parenting


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