Brand Maximization

Don’t let your listings get lost in the shuffle.

The most important part of an Amazon strategy is making sure that your listings are great, that is easier said than done in an open source system like Amazon.

The most important part of an Amazon strategy is making sure that your listings are great. That's easier said than done in an open source system like Amazon. That’s where we come in, our team of experts will give your listings the perfect blend of human appeal and Amazon AI appeal. After that, our work is never really done, we continue to update content and keywords regularly to ensure the best positioning and conversion rate of your products.

Consumer Appeal

We want to make sure that your listing looks great to stand out and maximize the conversion rate.

AI Appeal

We don’t just build listings for people, we build them so that Amazon’s system shows them to more of your potential customers.

A+ Content

Every listing should have additional A+ content to ensure it looks great and provides the best information for your consumers

Constant Monitoring

Our global team does a lot more than create new listings, we monitor your catalogue to ensure everything stays perfect long after your product is launched.

Make your brand stand out

Amazon has the largest product catalogue in the world, everything from running shoes to toaster ovens. By partnering with Channel Precision, we make sure that whatever your product and consumer base is, you stand out. We partner with you to take your content to the next level on Amazon.

Increase in Backend Keywords


Listings with A+ Content Added


Success rate for Amazon Listing Cases


Maximizing Amazon + Brand Site Sales

We effectively establish your brand's presence.

Catalogue Management

It may sound easy, but managing a catalogue on Amazon takes an army, that is why we have built a team of global Amazon experts.

A+ Content and Brand Store

We want your brand to look amazing end to end, this includes managing your brand store and ensuring every listing has the maximum amount of relevant content so that your products crush it!

Amazon AI Appeal

It’s not just about making your listing look great for customers, it is also important to make sure your listing is showing up on search. It starts with Amazon’s AI thinking your listing is great too!

A good looking listing is just the tip of the iceberg

Maximizing your brand and content on Amazon takes a lot more than just some bullet points and images. We make sure that your brand is maximized end to end. Everything from back end keywords to videos, it all matters when it comes to standing out on the largest product search platform in the world.

It’s time to take your Amazon business to the next level

Learn more by contacting us today.