Intelligent data
We named our advertising software AdAm: because it’s a pithy union of “Advertising” and “Amazon”—and because that’s the name of our brilliant data scientist who developed essential components of it. We contributed to the development of the third-party programmable software we use to control functions like bidding and keyword harvesting, enacting proprietary algorithmic behaviors. But we supplement that software with AdAm, which works in tandem, enacting proprietary protocols hourly, such as pausing and unpausing keywords and targeting groups. Our software is likewise capable of changing bids hourly. Our advertising system, as a result, is the most efficient we’ve seen.
We’ve developed proprietary software that draws on AI to assist in the listings creation process, aiding SEO from the start. In addition, our Listings software accesses the API, receiving hundreds of thousands of PDP change notifications daily, so we know exactly what changes have occurred on which listings.
Data Central, our central data bank, captures a host of Amazon data and populates reports. To name a few:
-Marketplace Velocity Reports
-BuyBox Percentage Reports
-Competitor Analysis Reports
As anybody who works in online sales knows, data is useless unless it’s turned into intelligence that can be acted on. Our dashboards represent data clearly and efficiently, and draw from two APIs.