Enforce MAP

Enforcement of Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) builds retailers’ confidence in your brand and standardizes their expectations across distribution channels. Your customers will know they’re getting the right price, and reward you with their trust and brand loyalty.

Profit Margins

MAP enforcement protects retailers’ profit margins and keeps them reordering inventory by preventing a “race to the bottom” on price.

Monitor Everything

Reduce administrative workload with automated monitoring: enforcement saves on labor by eliminating the need for entire departments.

Identify Violators

It’s easy to identify MAP violators, rogue sellers, and listings that misrepresent your product by controlling the representation, pricing, and distribution of your product.

Clear Visualizations

MAPWatcher represents data intuitively, so you can immediately identify MAP violators and rogue sellers.

Clean Interface

The intuitive interface allows you to view archived screenshots of policy violations, so you have the proof you need to enforce MAP with violators.


Upload enforcement letters to be sent automatically.

Brand Integrity
  • MAP Monitoring
  • Inventory Reporting
  • Automatic Enforcement
  • Rogue Detection
  • Evidence Gathering
  • File Importation


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